Degenerative Disc Disease
The Spine Institute of Southeast Texas
Orthopedic Surgeon location in Pearland & Lake Jackson, TX
With aging, injury, or certain health conditions, spinal discs can move or deteriorate, causing degenerative disc disease. If you have symptoms like back pain, numb toes or fingers, or limited range of motion, visit Dr. Thomas Jones II at The Spine Institute of Southeast Texas. With compassionate, thorough care, Dr. Jones and his team help patients in Pearland, Houston, and Lake Jackson, Texas, eliminate their symptoms and get back to normal activities with ease. Call the office nearest you or book an appointment online.
Degenerative Disc Disease Q & A
What is degenerative disc disease?
Between each of the 24 bones in the back that make up the spine are small discs or sacs. These are fluid-filled and rubbery, and they act as shock absorbers and cushions to the spinal bones and nerves.
In a healthy spine, these discs help you stand tall, bend, flex, and twist with ease. With age, the discs in your back can slowly degenerate, shrink, and lose elasticity. This is known as degenerative disc disease.
What are the symptoms of degenerative disc disease?
While anyone can experience disc degeneration over time, you might not develop symptoms. If you do, they can range from mild to severe, and they generally show up in the neck and lower back.
Contact Dr. Jones if you experience the following symptoms:
- Pain in the lower back, buttocks, or thighs
- Numb or tingly fingers and toes
- Weak leg or foot muscles
- Pain radiating from the neck out to the arms and fingers
- Back pain that becomes worse when you bend, lift, or twist
The pain might also come and go, flare up when you do certain activities, or get better with rest.
What is the treatment for degenerative disc disease?
Dr. Jones can determine if you have degenerative disc disease with a thorough examination. If you’re diagnosed, it’s possible to achieve significant pain relief with conservative, non-surgical treatment options. These may include:
- Physical therapy
- Steroid injections
- Pain-relieving medication
In severe cases, Dr. Jones may suggest stabilization surgery, which helps to address structural issues in the spine and keep your discs from moving out of place.
In addition to following Dr. Jones’s orders, there are steps you can take on your own to eliminate stress on your back and reduce pain. These include:
- Practicing proper lifting techniques
- Taking frequent standing and stretching breaks
- Using ergonomic furniture and supportive shoes
- Losing weight if you are overweight
While degenerative disc disease might sound scary, it’s actually quite common and usually very manageable. If you’re in Pearland, Bellaire, or Lake Jackson, Texas, and need expert treatment for degenerative disc disease, contact The Spine Institute of Southeast Texas today. Call or book online for a personalized consultation.